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Sylvain has been dancing since the age of fourteen and has been involved in the ballroom dancing industry for over thirty years. During his career, he has danced in the Latin, rhythm, and Ballroom categories. His competitive success was in the Ballroom styles of Standard and Latin. His credits include two-time Canadian Standard Champion and North American Standard Champion. Sylvain competed at the world-famous Blackpool. In 2000 he competed with great success on the pro-am circuit while cultivated his other career in finance. Alongside with his ballroom dance involvement, Sylvain has climbed the ladder of the banking world and is now a financial planner for the Banque Nationale du Canada (National Bank of Canada), owner of the dance competition Extravaganza, and is an established dance coach in both standard and Latin styles. He is also a world-class adjudicator. He is a gentleman both on and off the dance floor and we love having him part of our hosting and teaching team.